Tuesday, March 10, 2009

Media Coverage of the Patriarchy Video Controversy

Ethics Daily Article

Southern Baptist Leaders' Comments Echo 'Biblical Patriarchy' Theology

Bob Allen
Thoughts about subordination of women that brought censure to a female presenter who critiqued them in a recent apologetics conference at Midwest Baptist Theological Seminary find some parallel in recent history of the Southern Baptist Convention, according to an analysis by EthicsDaily.com.
As EthicsDaily.com reported Wednesday, Cynthia Kunsman, a writer who specializes in spiritual-abuse issues, described "biblical patriarchy" as an "intolerant ideology" that has arisen in the last 15 years among homeschoolers as a "disproportionate Christian response" to cultural decline.
As a "prototypical framework" for what most adherents follow, Kunsman looked at practices of Vision Forum, a group founded in 1998 by Doug Phillips, son of former presidential candidate and Nixon White House staffer Howard Phillips. A trained lawyer who formerly worked for the Home School Legal Defense Association, Doug Phillips also leads at Boerne Christian Assembly in San Antonio, Texas, and founded the National Center for Family-Integrated Churches....


Other Important Ethics Daily Articles (concerning Cynthia Kunsman's criticisms of CBMW's teachings):

10:35 AM Wed, Apr 23, 2008
Jeffrey Weiss

If you're up for some relatively heavy theological lifting, check out a story on the EthicsDaily website. The news peg is about a lecture given by a woman at an apologetics conference at Midwest Baptist Theological Seminary that later got smacked down by the seminary. But to me, the more interesting stuff seems to go all the way back to the "filioque" arguments in the early days of Christianity. Are all persons of the Trinity co-equal or not? And if Jesus, for instance, is subordinate to God, does that mean that women are subordinate to men? And
that any disagreement opens the door to "open theism"?
Apparently that's the position held by this particular seminary. This argument gets above my lay expertise pretty quickly. Any theologians out there want to help us out?


The Dallas Observer

Baptist Seminary President Says Women Shouldn't Teach Men

By Julie Lyons

Published: April 17, 2008

A conservative pastor known for championing dissident views in the Southern Baptist Convention has posted an interesting, well-argued and chilling sequel to Southwestern Baptist Theological Seminary’s controversial decision to deny tenure to a female Hebrew professor, apparently because of seminary President Dr. Paige Patterson’s view that women should not be teaching men. This restrictive interpretation of 1 Timothy 2:12 is prevalent in some highly conservative, non-Pentecostal evangelical circles.

Wade Burleson a pastor for 25 years in Enid, Oklahoma, reports Dr. Cindy Kunsman was invited to lecture on “extreme patriarchal behaviors” among evangelical groups during a conference last month hosted by Southern Baptist-affiliated Midwest Baptist Theological Seminary in Kansas City. During her lecture, Kunsman noted that the SBC and its leaders such as Paige Patterson have influenced a movement among evangelicals that calls for a return to extreme patriarchy.


Ethics Daily Article

Speaker Chastised Over Criticism of 'Biblical Patriarchy' at SBC Seminary

Bob Allen
A speaker at an apologetics conference at Midwest Baptist Theological Seminary has been rebuked for comments critical of prominent Southern Baptists who believe God ordains for wives to be subordinate to their husbands.

Cynthia Kunsman, a registered nurse who runs a Web site and blog focusing on spiritual abuse, was invited to lead a workshop critiquing "biblical patriarchy" at a March 6-8 conference sponsored by Evangelical Ministries to New Religions (EMNR).
In her lecture, Kunsman defined patriarchy as an "intolerant ideology" that has arisen within circles of the Christian homeschool movement during the last decade and a half. The movement is not monolithic, she said, but "encompasses many different denominations within Christianity."
"I believe that patriarchy is a disproportionate Christian response to cultural decline, and it sees family as central to the restoration of our culture," she said. "In that sense it could be called a homeschooling special-purpose religion or an affinity group."
Among troubling aspects of so-called biblical patriarchy, Kunsman identified a doctrine of "subordinationism" that argues Jesus Christ is of lesser essence and authority in the Trinity than God the Father....


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