Noting the change in the discussion. It was understood that anything I experienced did not happen. I understood that I would be challenged for remembering things differently. I really did not know how to respond.
Sunday, April 24, 2022
Saturday, April 23, 2022
Sunday, March 13, 2022
Conclusion of Peer Review on March 13, 2008
The last communication I had before the organization urged me to delete the online video of the presentation a few days after it went live online. My contact at the organization seems to be describing what I would call Ware's informal logical fallacy of Equivocation in the articulation of his doctrine. But by all means, read up on Equivocation and decide for yourself what it means. Ware divides authority from power in his Trinitarian view, and while he claims that the Father and the Son have equal power, the Father has what is denies is greater authority but has eminent authority. As a result, Jesus can only carry prayer to the Father, and He cannot hear prayer Himself. To me, that is a distinction that claims to have no difference, but what good is power without full authority to use it.
Read more about Equivocation here:
I was then denied any opportunity to present any additional information regarding this topic to defend my stance. I was told that everyone was too busy investigating the Emergent Church to spend time on it.
Friday, March 11, 2022
Requests for Additional Peer Review on March 11, 2008
In response to a critic who was a Board Member of the organization, I requested additional peer review as soon it was possible after the conference concluded. That person required me to contact several persons to claim that I'd misrepresented them which was, in fact, a critical opinion of their teachings. This was not required of me.
Tuesday, August 24, 2021
PPT Slides Sent and Reviewed Six Months Prior to Presentation (August 24, 2007)
The first email indicates that we did speak. Scroll down to the second email. At the bottom, the powerpoint document can be viewed, and I posted that original draft written and reviewed -- slide by slide -- with my contact on August 24, 2008.
View the final version HERE and compare it against the draft which can be accessed HERE. I've made both available on Slideshare.
Tuesday, August 10, 2021
Original Proposal for the Development and Practice of Patriarchy (August 10, 2007)
Submitted to the Christian counter-cult apologetics organization on August 10, 2007
Friday, March 21, 2014
Screenshot of Wayne Grudem's "But What should women do in the church?" CBMW Article
Since the organization suffers so many "web glitches" now concerning search engine linked HTML material, I thought that I would help readers find this one by loading screenshots of it. I don't think that they can blame the problem with this Grudem article on Bob Allen who recently reported on another "non-loading" article by Mark David Walton that rightfully took heavy criticism.
For the reader's convenience, I left the first two pages full size, and following them, find Grudem's article in one image. (I did not include page 2 of this issue of CBMW News because it featured another unrelated article by another author.)
Friday, August 23, 2013
Some of My Saga: My Attempt to Find Counsel After the Cult

A Good and Godly Man?
My Attempt to Find Counsel After the Cult.
Cindy Kunsman
I would very much like to revise this document. I wrote the bulk of one section of it in 1999, largely expanded it in 2008, changed some of it when I posted it on line in 2009, etc. The material is deeply emotional, and I find that this emotional material is harder for me to communicate -- and I also make more grammar and typing errors.
Saturday, March 2, 2013
What is Multigenerational Faithfulness? Code for Conformity
An Introduction and Review of Multigenerational Faithfulness
(Associated with patriarchy within Christian homeschooling)

Even considering small sections of specific teachings became far more complicated that I anticipated, because of the subtlety of it all. That’s why the system works as well as it does.
Thursday, January 31, 2013
Unhealed Wounds from Childhood that Produce Drama and Religious Addiction in Adulthood
posted 27Feb12; Reposted 25Aug12.
Lewis at Commandments of Men has written a post that's inspired me to write a bit more about imbalance found within spiritually abusive evangelical Christianity.
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